Testimonials for Dr. Boyd
“Dr. Boyd works miracles of love, of radical compassion, and emotional subtlety. She saw right through to the core of my pain, despite my clever coping mechanisms and stories, and brought her great loving heart to my hidden grief in a way that cracked me open. With Dr. Boyd, I unpacked memories of my childhood in a way that restored my sense of my intrinsic innocence and the innocence of all those involved. Dr. Boyd is an alchemist, and a profound guide for others who are committed to healing on the deepest levels. The way she offers and lives the gospel of love is nothing short of revolutionary.” -J.S.
“Having just broken up with my boyfriend of two and a half years, I began to question my desires, my beliefs, and my ambitions. Dr. Boyd helped me find the positivity and opportunity in my situation which allowed me to move forward and focus on the most important things in life: my supportive family, my amazing friends, and the incredible life I have made for myself.” -C.A.
“Dr. Boyd is one of a kind. I have been under the care of Dr. Boyd for the past five years while working through my PTSD due to MST while serving in the military. Throughout my care, Dr. Boyd has been the constant guiding light of recovery from my traumatic experiences. Her plethora of knowledge and skill not only in the Psychology and trauma sphere, but also her extensive experience working with military personnel and first responders, gave me a sense of security knowing I was in good hands.
Dr. Boyd has the professionalism, empathy, and compassion that is drastically needed when I was a victim looking for help. I know with every ounce of my being that without the consistent loyalty, dedication, and compassion Dr. Boyd provided for me every single session, I would not be living and breathing today. As a survivor who was once on her knees ready to end her life, the work and voice of Dr. Boyd that led me to call her, ultimately saved my life.” -S.B.
“I met Dr. Boyd and I just knew, KNEW she was going to be the one to change my life. My whole life I lived with the idea that I was just “too much” to be loved. Loved by myself and by others. I walked around with the little voice in my head calling myself names, judging my decisions and not trusting myself. Well, I’m happy to share it’s not a life sentence - that healing is right around the corner, and Dr. Boyd is proof of that. She helped me learn to love myself — all of myself — my good and my bad. She showed me that vulnerability is my superpower and that as long as I walk in my truth, I can overcome any obstacle. Through her I found my power and now I have finally achieved all my goals that felt unattainable, especially the ability to have a loving romantic relationship.” -D.B.
“Before working with Dr. Boyd, I thought self-care was a face mask and a bubble bath. In other words, something that was not for me. However, after I began working with Dr. Boyd I realized that self-care starts with self-compassion. Prior to her teachings, I placed a large portion of my worthiness on external circumstances (i.e. grades, work performance, validation from others) and when those things fell short (i.e. bad grade on a test, low work performance, relationship problems) I questioned my value. Now I have developed such an immense admiration for myself and treat myself the way I have always treated others -- with kindness, forgiveness, and compassion. Dr. Boyd is one of the most personable, energetic, and understanding individuals I have ever met. All of my friends that have taken her courses have experienced tremendous personal growth and I highly recommend her practice to anyone who wants to learn how to be the best version of themselves.” -L.M.
“I found Dr. Boyd when I was stuck in a state of deep depression with underlying post-traumatic stress disorder. I had experienced severe depression before and had learned coping skills to help me stay healthy over the years but this time was different. I was stuck and nothing I tried was working. I needed help. Dr. Boyd made me feel so safe. She was able to help me move past the shame of my trauma and to understand what happened to me from new perspectives. Dr. Boyd taught me about the brain, helped me to understand what was happening in my brain, and how our work together would help me think and feel healthier. It worked! In a period of a couple of months, I went from feeling depressed, constantly looking over my shoulder, and generally feeling terrified to feeling peaceful, happy, and confident. I will be forever grateful for the time she spent with me, her talent in her work, and her care. Mental illness aside, I know that I can rely on Dr. Boyd to teach me, to empower me, and to show me love as a strive to understand myself better. Not to mention, her laugh is the best. You can't help but feel good in her presence.” -L.R.